Monday, October 11, 2010

Our Kauai Adventure

It is just over one week until our Kauai adventure begins.  Sadly, it starts with a 1:30 am shuttle to the Detroit air port, followed by a four hour wait for our flight, and two 6 hour flights.  This is the price we pay...but well worth it.  By 2pm - if all goes well - we will be landing on the beautiful island of Kauai, Hawaii.  It has been a long time coming, and's hard to believe it's almost here! 
A little history for those of you who don't know.... Doris and I have been friends for little over two years.  In May of this year, she won two plane tickets anywhere West Jet flies!  So, like any sane people would do, we picked Hawaii.  I had never really thought that much about going to Hawaii, it just seemed far!  But Doris was very gung-ho, and hell she was giving me a ticket, so what could I say!!  lol... Of course it was an amazing choice and we spent 16 days exploring Ohau, Maui and Kauai.  Needless to say, we fell in love with it's beauty and Aloha spirit.  Especially in Kauai.  And yes, I will now give props to Doris for dragging me to Kauai, as it was the one island I wasn't that excited to visit - boy was I wrong!!!  It was the most beautiful place I had ever been in my life.  My experiences there literally changed my life and who I wanted to be as a person.  So almost immediately upon our return, we were plotting how we could go back.
So with a bit of encouragement from some close friends, some fancy maneuvering and a little luck....we are leaving soon for three glorious months in the beautiful island of Kauai.
Stay tuned for updates on our experiences of life on the island.....

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