Friday, October 22, 2010

Our First Full Day

Well, where to begin?  My day actually began around 2:30 am with a rude awakening from the local wild rooster population.  Apparently they are confused here and believe that sunrise is in the middle of the night when it's still dark!!  And they don't stop....ALL DAY!!!!!!

 So needless to say, I did not have a very restful sleep.  So by 6:30 when I was still awake I decided to get up and check out the beach!!  Sunrise anyone?
 I had a lovely, long reflective walk along the beautiful beach, early that morning.  This is the reason I am here. To reflect, to take in the beauty, to love my journey.  "No regrets" someone once said to me....and I have tried to live by that ever since.  This is one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I plan to enjoy every second of it!

After my walk, I headed back to the condo to see what Doris was up to!  We decided it was a good day to go out for breakfast.  So we headed out in search of food, and gas for Turtle!!
Not far up the road, we found gas...and food.  We stopped at Olympic Cafe, a place I had been to before so was well aware of the yummy eats we would find.  And we did....sooo good....

The portion size was pretty large, and to answer a question from this picture on facebook, no, I did not eat the whole thing....and Doris helped me....but damn, it was good!!

And you can't beat the view from our table....stunning!!!
Then it was off to do what Doris and I do!!!  We explored Kappa a little bit...hit a local flea market and drove down the coast a little bit.
Next stop Cost-U-Less, as recommended by our landlord.....this is where you went before there was Costco. (yes there is a Costco here!!  Which is on our list of things to do...).
It is basically just a smaller version of Costco, some good deals, some not so much...but it's super close.  And Cranberry juice was half price, which we need to go with our giant bottle of vodka:

And okay, I just have to mention...this bottle was $22.50!!!
I mean, come on.  We are soooo getting ripped off in Canada.....
and we are taking bets on how long it will take Doris and I to finish this...

Now to my super discovery in Cost-U-Less........

Those of you who know me, know that JD is my weakness!!


But you will be proud of me...given large amount of vodka just recently purchased, I did in fact refrain from buying this bottle...even though it was only $36.00!!!!  Hello??? Crazy price!!!

Maybe when the vodka runs out???  We shall see.....

After our shopping adventure, we headed home.  Then off to our first real trip to the beach....
Nothing but sun, sand and water... beautiful!!  And yes, we did use sunscreen!

Bathing beauties... :o)

Well, that was pretty much it for our first day!!  We had a few beverages in the afternoon, did some blogging and facebooking...keeping our friends back home up to date with our adventures.  So then I couldn't drive into town to go to real Costco or Walmart, so we just had a couple more drinks (we have to finish that bottle people) then walked up to the Italian joint at the end of the street for some excellent pasta and pizza. 

Sadly, we were in bed by 10pm!!  Since the roosters kept me up and the oh so lovely jet will be a while before we get back on track....  Oh did I mention that Doris had earplugs, but failed to mention this to me until she slept quite well!!  High hopes for tonight now...we will see!!  Fingers crossed!!

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