Thursday, October 21, 2010

Arriving in Kauai

Well we finally arrived!!  Our journey began with many, many hours of packing....which we will not discuss.  Then a 2 am shuttle pick up, a two and half hour shuttle bus ride, an interesting interview at customs, a three hour hang out at Detroit airport, and then boarding our 4 and a half hour flight to Phoenix.  Much to our surprise the flight was faster then expected and we arrived in Phoenix about half an hour early...which was very good news since we had less then an hour originally to make our connecting flight to Lihue, HI.
View from runway in Phoenix
Our joy was slowly diminished however, as we sat motionless after landing as the gate was still occupied by the prior flight. So, we then sat there for 45 minutes.... and yes if you do the math that means we are now later then our original arrival time and our window of making our next flight is becoming smaller and smaller....and smaller..... So we finally get to our arrival gate with minutes so spare for boarding our next yes you guessed, two very tired Canadian girls running (with very heavy back packs I might add) through the Phoenix airport.  We had a brief moment of happiness that our next gate was A14 and we were in gate A8.....however, we then realized that it was NOT close to gate 8 at all, it was in the next section girls, run!!  I know the anticipation is killing YES we did make it to the gate just in time!!!
Sadly though, no bathroom breaks, no nothing!!   But we were on the plane and that's all that mattered!!!  So about six and a half hours later....we were in Kauai!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was a very surreal moment that we were actually back in Hawaii after many months of planning and dreaming of this moment!!  It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day!!  And our luggage actually made it on the all in all a very successful journey indeed.  We called our rental car guy for a ride ...... I'm not even going to explain that we got a ride to pick up our Island Rental car.   We were shortly introduced to what we now affectionately refer to as "Turtle".

Turtle is your typical island beater as they are referred to here in Hawaii.  It is two toned, very old, very dirty and pretty my dad said, she looks like she has had a few shells replaced....see photo and you will understand!!! But it was cheap and it drives so we love it!!!

We finally made it to our condo and are very pleased with our accommodations!!
our living/dinning area

kitchen, lanai in back ground, over looks tennis courts

Did some unpacking, got some groceries, made some dinner (very and fell into bed totally exhausted and completely elated!!!  I am so happy and grateful to be here....every moment here is a blessing indeed!!!

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